As laudable as this campaign

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As laudable as this campaign is from a humanitarian point of view, it also offers a potential boost for the investment market. Fair trade producers mandate a chain of custody for their gemstones. This means that the provenance and purity of the stones is monitored and documented at each link of the supply chain, thereby ensuring quality and increasing transparency for investors links of london earring.

The problems relating to provenance and ethical sourcing have not been lost on Sean Gilbertson, chief executive of Aim-traded miner, Gemfields. Mr Gilbertson and his team have been developing a vertically integrated production model that services not only the standard retail market, but also the needs of investors, via an exclusive licensing agreement to use the Faberge brand on a range of premium gemstones links of london ring. The individually encoded stones will be available to wholesale investors and offer ethical guarantees in accordance with fair trade principles. Gemfields is hoping to establish a template on how to develop the investment market in the 21st century. Mr Gilbertson thinks that the investment market is already showing clear signs of growth and he points to the experience of companies such as TanzaniteOne, which have managed to build demand for unique coloured gemstones: "Less than 20 years ago, prices for white diamonds far outstripped those for pinks or yellows. Now the situation has been reversed and we are seeing much higher demand and price growth for high-quality coloured stones," he says cheap links of london jewellery.

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